2 Months (After manufactured)
92 cm
Robot Child
Santa Terra, Ataxia
Zora represents an object that reflects innocent spirit. She is a manifestation of “unconditional love”, no matter what or who you are, she will love you unconditionally, and all she asks for in return, is to treat her the same way and with respect. Zora is programmed to be “the perfect child”, she loves to play, get sick, hates vegetable like any other real children in the world. But just because she is a robot, does this make her any “less than” from a real human child?
Zora is on a quest to be loved when she is reactivated by Doctor Allen. Zora’s character hopes to shed light on the importance of sympathy and befriending an object that reflects human qualities. A relationship between a mother and child is unconditional, though Zora and Zia don’t know it yet, but they feel so much love for one another. Will this unconventional relationship between an alien and a robot causes the two girls’ sorrow? Or will this teach the readers a valuable lesson about loving yourself?

Zora represents a relationship between a mother and child. However, she is not human, she does not have emotions, she is only programmed to mimic emotion. Zora was created by Cybernoid, a robot manufacturer in the future. Zora is part of the “family member robot” line up, Cybernoid manufactured 100,000 copies of her as mock-ups but was discontinued as this model started defecting by having human thoughts and emotions. Zora was returned to Cybernoid by her initial family and was deactivated and thrown away into a junkyard in Ataxia.